The key members of the Bench to Bedside work collaboratively with experts from diverse disciplines and backgrounds to make integrative contributions and create innovative approaches to translational research and clinical trials. Bench to Bedside research activities benefit from access to and involvement with the following facilities:

OVC Mona Campbell Animal Cancer Centre
- State of the Art companion animal cancer treatment facility
- Optimized for conducting companion animal clinical trials
- 1072 animals enrolled in clinical trials

Veterinary Biobank (formerly the Companion Animal Tumour Sample Bank (CATSB))
- 18,000 samples from 1250 unique cases

Institute for Comparative Cancer Investigation
- Launched in 2007
- 37 faculty spanning 8 departments
- Integral to Clinical Trials management

- Offers a large caseload of spontaneous, naturally occurring diseases in companion animals, supporting the ability to conduct both retrospective and prospective studies, including epidemiological studies and clinical trials.
- Medical records dating back to 2008.

Comparative Clinical Research Facility
- Uniquely designed for translational research in preclinical models, observational work in companion animal patients, and interventions in large animal models of disease.
- Member of the NIH-NCI Comparative Oncology Clinical Trials Consortium
- Active network of 20 academic comparative oncology centres across North America